Get ready for Giving Day!
Support the Richmond Hokies’ Scholarship Fund during #VTGivingDay, a 24-hour celebration of the Hokie Spirit and the power of giving back, starting at Noon EST, on February 24. Giving Day is a special opportunity for Virginia Tech students, employees, alumni, family, and friends to come together virtually and show their support for their favorite Virginia Tech departments, programs, alumni organizations, student organizations, and teams. Your gift to our scholarship fund will have a major impact, and special challenges mean that your gift can go further and do more good than at any other time of the year.
The support from generous alumni and friends of the Richmond Hokies allows us to provide $2,500 scholarships to local incoming students. The Richmond Chapter of the Virginia Tech Alumni Association has a long tradition of recognizing talented students who are entering Virginia Tech for the first time through our scholarship program. The Scholarship Committee’s mission is to provide annual scholarships for future generations of Hokies. You can help us by giving back to our scholarship fund on Giving Day!
Be sure to use the #VTGivingDay hashtag when sharing all Giving Day posts on social media!
Make Your Gift Today |