Candidate Anonymous

Office 365 Invitation Email Image

  1. Email Invite to Access SharePoint
    1. Find the invite email titled ‘RVA Career Expo representative has shared the folder “Career Expo Resumes” with you’. (The email format is [])
    2. Check the Spam Folder in your email system, since it being sent by the Microsoft Office 365 system
    3. Click the OPEN button in invite email, which allows access to SharePoint
    4. Access to SharePoint is NOT linked to the email address (unlike the image above), therefore, you can share it with anybody (within the Disclosure/Usage Terms [ie. within your organization and for employment purposes only])

  2. You can sort or filter files (Funnel Icon [“B” from Image 2]) by:
    1. Modified Date
    2. File Format/Type

  3. Select one or more records by checkmark to the left of the file name:
  4. Actions appear after clicking the triple dots to the right of the file name.
    1. Preview
    2. Download [same as “A” From Image 2]
    3. Copy to
    4. Details (File Format/Type, Modified Date/Time, File Size)

  5. Share and Download functions default to the entire list unless individual file(s) are selected
  6. Once you’ve downloaded a file, you can also share it with anybody (within the Disclosure/Usage Terms)


Thanks for using the RVA Career Expo resume bank!

We hope it allows you to find great candidates for your positions!