Chapter Constitution & Bylaws

Richmond Chapter of the Virginia Tech Alumni Association Constitution:

The name of this organization shall be the Richmond Chapter of the Virginia Tech Alumni Association.

The goals of this organization shall be to act as an ambassador of the University’s visibility, positive image, and reputation. Through the continual growth of alumni and student engagement. This will be done in cooperation with the University and by carrying out their suggestions and proposals including, but not limited to community service, career development, and networking opportunities.

All graduates of the University and all other persons who have been in attendance as students of the University who reside in the City of Richmond plus the counties of: Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent and Powhatan are members of this organization.

All provisions of this constitution shall be applied to all members without regard to age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status, or any other status protected by law.

The officers of this chapter shall be:

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Communications Director
  4. Recording Secretary
  5. Treasurer

These officers shall constitute the Executive Committee and:

  • Serve one (1) year term, beginning July 1,
  • Elections held in June of each year
  • Meet on a monthly basis
  • President, Vice President, and Treasurer positions will have a term limit of two (2) consecutive terms

The Board of Directors will consist of:

  1. The Executive Committee
  2. Immediate Past President
  3. Six (6) appointed Ambassadors

The Board of Directors shall:

  1. Meet no less than on a quarterly basis each January, April, July, and October
  2. Constitute a quorum via a majority of its members being present

The Ambassadors shall be appointed to serve by the Executive Committee:

  • To serve for three (3) years,
  • two (2) new Ambassadors appointed each year
  • two (2) leave each year

Ambassador selections should come from methods 1, 2, or 3, or a combination thereof:

  1. Select the group from individuals in your community that best represent the various geographic locations in your chapter area.
  2. Select the group from each of the previous seven (7) decades of graduation, i.e. 2000s, 1990s, 1980s, 1970s, 1960s, 1950s, and 1940s.
  3. A group of individuals in the Chapter community that represents a graduate of each college within the University.
  1. The following shall be standing committees:
    • Communications & Public Relations
    • Community Service
    • Event Volunteers
    • Young Alumni
    • Diversity
    • RVA Career Expo
  2. Standing committees shall have a Chairperson appointed by the President and members appointed by the Board of Directors or Chairperson.
  3. Committee Chairpersons serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors for a term of one (1) year. There are no term limits for Committee Chairpersons.
  4. The following shall be ad hoc committees:
    • Nominating
    • Audit
    • Scholarship
    • Freshmen Sendoff
    • Food Fight
    • Information Systems and Information Technology
    • Jobs, Careers, and Networking
    • Sponsorships and Business Networking
    • Corps of Cadets Affairs
  5. Ad Hoc committees may be added or removed by a vote of the Board of Directors.
  6. Each committee shall transact such business as is delegated to it in the Bylaws and such additional business as directed by the President and inherent in its title.

In the absence of rules in this Constitution and Bylaws, the proceedings of this Chapter shall be conducted in accordance to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Ratified September 1992. Amended May 2022.

Richmond Chapter of the Virginia Tech Alumni Association Bylaws:

  1. The Board of Directors shall meet on the third Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise decided upon by the Board of Directors.
  2. The Chapter shall host at least four (4) meetings per year, open to the entire alumni population in the Greater Richmond Region.
  1. At the April Board of Directors meeting, the Board shall appoint a five (5) member Nominating Committee whose duty shall be to nominate officers. The Board shall also designate a chairperson of this committee.  The President shall serve as the ex-officio member of this committee when not up for re-election.
  2. The Nominating Committee shall interview potential candidates for the positions of President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Communications Director, and Treasurer. The slate of officers shall be presented to the Board of Directors for their review.
  3. The slate of officers shall be presented for election to the members of the Chapter during the month of May. The active members must be given the opportunity to nominate other candidates.  The person receiving the majority of the votes cast for each office shall be declared elected.
  4. All officers shall hold office for a term of one (1) year, beginning on the first day of July.


The President is the highest officer in the Chapter and coordinator of all its activities.  The President’s leadership and guidance serves as an inspiration to all members in achieving the objectives of the chapter.

  1. Preside at all meetings of the Chapter.
  2. Preside at monthly meetings of the Executive Committee.
  3. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.
  4. Make appointments to all committees.
  5. Represent Virginia Tech in the chapter area.
  6. Attend annual Officers Forum in Blacksburg.
  7. Submit annual chapter report to Blacksburg on or before July 1 each year.
  8. Work to ensure chapter and committee goals are accomplished yearly.
  9. Carry out the annual plan devised during the previous year.
  10. Attend Board of Directors meetings.
  11. Perform such other duties as usually devolve upon such officer or are demanded by the needs of this chapter.
  12. Train and prepare President-Elect for office of the President.

Vice President

  1. Perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President.
  2. Attend monthly meetings of the Executive Committee.
  3. Train and prepare for the office of the President.
  4. Help develop the Chapter’s annual plan for the following year.
  5. Recruit committee chairs for the upcoming year.
  6. Assist the President in the fulfillment of the President’s duties.
  7. Attend annual Officers’ Forum hosted by the University.
  8. Perform other duties as usually devolve upon such officer or are demanded by the needs of the Chapter.

Recording Secretary

  1. Keep the records of the Chapter, including login and passwords for all Chapter business.
  2. Record minutes of all Chapter and Executive Committee meetings.
  3. Submit to the Alumni Association a report of each Chapter meeting, Executive Committee meeting and Chapter event regularly.
  4. Attend monthly meetings of the Executive Committee.
  5. Work with Executive Committee to complete and file annual plan, Chapter year-end financial report, and roster with Blacksburg on or before July 1 of each year.
  6. Perform such other duties as usually devolve upon such officer or are demanded by the needs of the Chapter.

Communications Director

  1. Notify Executive Committee of time, place, and date of all monthly meetings.
  2. Responsible for creating a Committee comprised of social media and website technology volunteers.
  3. Attend monthly meetings of the Executive Committee.
  4. Work with Executive Committee to complete and file annual plan, chapter year-end financial report, and rosters with Blacksburg on or before July 1 of each year.
  5. Perform such other duties as usually devolve upon such officer or are demanded by the needs of the Chapter.


  1. Maintain Chapter checking accounts and other funds.
  2. Record all chapter financial transactions.
  3. Pay all financial obligations of the Chapter.
  4. Submit monthly financial reports to the Board of Directors.
  5. Submit financial event reports to the Board of Directors regularly.
  6. Submit complete year-end financial report to Blacksburg by July 1 of each year.
  7. Perform such other duties as usually devolve upon such officer or are demanded by the needs of the Chapter.

In the event a vacancy occurs in one of the Officer positions, other than the President, the Executive Committee shall appoint a member of the Chapter to fill the unexpired term of that vacant office. In the event of a vacated Presidency then the provisions of the Chapter By-Laws shall govern the installation of the President-Elect.

  1. Oversees committees, as assigned, with quarterly review of membership, budget, and functionality
  2. Recommends changes to standing and ad hoc committees as appropriate
  3. Performs other duties as usually devolving upon such ambassador or are demanded by the needs of the Chapter

In the event a vacancy occurs in one of the Ambassador positions, the Executive Committee shall appoint a member of the Chapter to fill the unexpired term of that vacant seat.

  1. Attend, at minimum, quarterly meetings of the Board of Directors.
  2. Assist in formulation of Chapter goals and objectives and ensure the achievement of those goals.
  3. See the policies of the Chapter, and the procedures set forth in the Chapter Constitution and Bylaws are adhered to.
  4. Handle matters referred by the Chapter to the Board for proper action.
  5. Attend special meetings of the Board as needed and properly called.
  6. Attend major events held by the Chapter, as required.
  7. Select a five (5) member Nominating Committee each April, for which the Board shall designate a chairperson.
  8. Audit Chapter finances at least annually through full review by the Board of Directors, independent accountant, or assigned Committee.
  1. Prepare an agenda and properly notify the committee of upcoming meetings
  2. Ensure attendance is taken at committee meetings
  3. Submit all Chapter communication requests at least two (2) weeks prior
  4. Ensure the committee follows event and volunteer reporting standards
  5. Attend Board of Directors meetings when requested by the Executive Committee
  6. Perform such other duties as usually devolve upon such officer or are demanded by the needs of the Chapter.

In the event a vacancy occurs in one the Chairpersons, then the Executive Committee shall appoint a member of the Chapter to fill the unexpired term of the vacant seat after receiving input from members of the Committee involved.

These Bylaws may be amended at any regular Board of Directors meeting provided:

  1. The amendment is not in conflict with the Constitution and ByLaws of the Virginia Tech Alumni Association.
  2. A quorum is present.
  3. Two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting.

Ratified September 1992. Amended May 2022.