Candidate Database Instructions

NOTE: The Share button within SharePoint requires both:

    • Sending a link to the invited person(s)
    • SharePoint access granted to the invited person(s) to the resume bank by RVA Career Expo representatives.
  1. Email Invite and Entering Sharepoint
  1. Find the invite email titled ‘RVA Career Expo representative has shared the folder “[Year] [Season]” with you’. (The email format is [])
  2. Click the link in invite email
  3. Check the Spam Folder in your email system, since it being sent by the Microsoft Office 365 system
  4. If you are already signed into your Microsoft account, the site should come up; skip to step 2 below.
  5. If you have a Microsoft account but weren’t logged into it, select whether it’s personal or organizational account and log in, then skip to step 2 below.
  6. If you don’t have a Microsoft account associated with your email, go ahead and create one (it’s free) by clicking “Create a Microsoft Account” using the same email address where you got the invitation to view resumes.Welcome Screen for Sharepoint Online
  7. Create the account. Create a password and enter phone and birthday as required.Create a Microsoft Online Account
  8. Verify your new Microsoft account using the code sent to your email (these usually don’t go to spam, but check there if you don’t find it in your inbox) Verify your email address
  9. Sign in with the new account if needed. You should see a screen that looks like this:
  1. SharePoint Search

  1. Enter search terms in the Search box. SharePoint will search both the names of files as well as the contents of all files.
  2. Use whole words to find documents. Searching for sales will not match the words “presales” or “oversales”. See the next tip to know how to improve your search :).
  3. Use the asterisk* character as a wildcard at the end of any word in your query. For example, “tech*” finds documents that contain “technician” or “technology”.
  4. Note: Using * at the beginning of a word or in the middle of a word doesn’t work. The asterisk is only supported at the end of the word.
  5. If you still want more accurate results, add some parameters. SharePoint allows you to use Boolean logic to keywords and properties, connecting them with the operators.
  6. AND: searches content for the presence of two words.
    Example: When you search for Sales AND Marketing, it will find the document, because both words are included in a document.
  7. OR: searches content for either words.
    Example: When you search for Sales AND Marketing, it will again find the document, because any of the words are present in the document.
  8. NOT: searches content that contains one word.
    Example: When you search for Sales NOT Marketing, it won’t find a document, because the document contains the word “Marketing”.
  1. Opening and Downloading Files
    • directly from the search results
    • from the SharePoint file list.
  1. NOTE: Once you’ve downloaded a file, you can share it with anybody

Thanks for using the RVA Career Expo resume bank!

We hope it allows you to find great candidates for your positions!