2021 Virtual Run in Remembrance

From April 16th-18th, a virtual run in remembrance will be hosted as the Virginia Tech community reflects on the vibrant lives of the 32 students and faculty who were tragically taken from us on April 16, 2007.
The virtual event features a printable bib and the option to join the Stridekick App’s virtual group journey to log participation with other Hokies. Join the Virtual Group Journey via the Stridekick App here ➡️ t.ly/nH88
This year’s event provides the opportunity to purchase a commemorative 2021 Virtual Run in Remembrance t-shirt (at cost) with shipping or local resident in-person pickup options. Register and purchase t-shirts here ➡️ t.ly/VdVX
Participants are encouraged to wear their shirt or favorite orange and maroon and submit participation photos by using the hashtag #VT32Run on Twitter and Instagram.
The virtual walk/run will be held over a three-day period to encourage proper distancing and adherence to state and local guidelines. This event is not supporting physical gatherings and is intended to support social connectedness through physical distancing.


April 16, 2021